Preparing Mac Host as Anka Node

Preparing Mac Host as Anka Node

Configuration of Mac Host Machine as Anka Node

Anka agent, which is included in anka.pkg is installed as part of anka binary installation on the mac machines. These are the mac host on which the Anka macOS VMs run. Do the following on the mac hosts.

Anka package anka.pkg can be installed on mac machines running Hi Sierra(10.13.x) or Higher.

  1. Go to Preferences, Users and enable automatic login for the user.

  2. Go to Preferences, Security, General and uncheck require password after screensave or sleep begins option.

  3. Go to Preferences, Energy Saver and check on Disable sleep

  4. Install the anka.pkg mac application package on the machine.

  5. Disable spotlight on the node(host) with sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Last modified February 11, 2020 : Update (aaa7c6f) by medicis123