
How to upgrade Anka CLI


  1. Install the new anka pkg. Follow the install instructions

  2. Upgrade the guest addons inside the VM templates with anka start -u. Check the upgrade notes to see if this step is necessary.

Upgrade When running as a part of an Anka Build cloud

When upgrading the entire Anka Build infrastructure (Controller/Registry and Nodes), execute the steps in the following sequence.

  1. Run sudo ankacluster disjoin.

  2. Install the new anka pkg. Follow the install instructions

  3. Upgrade the guest addons inside the VM templates with anka start -u. Check the upgrade notes to see if this step is necessary.

  4. Push the newly upgraded VM templates to registry with anka registry push vmname --tag.

  5. Go to the Controller/Registry and upgrade.

  6. On the mac nodes - run sudo ankacluster join.

Last modified December 21, 2019 : Update upgrade.md (a548d22) by medicis123