Creating your first VM

Create your first VM using Anka CLI.

Install Anka CLI

Download latest Anka PKG

Download the file from Anka Build Download page.

curl -L -o Anka.pkg

Install Anka PKG

cd to the directory containing the file (if you are in another directory), then run:

sudo installer -pkg Anka.pkg -tgt /

Verify installation

Verify the installation by running anka version command.

anka version

Anka Build Basic version 2.1.2 (build 112)

License activation

Activate your license using the anka license command and your license key:

sudo anka license activate <key>

Download MacOS installer

Using the App Store

Use the App Store to download a MacOS install package of your choosing.
Here's a link to the MacOS Mojave install page - .

After the download is complete the files will be at /Applications/Install macOS (different MacOS versions will be called differently).

Using a script

You can use the “” script from this Github repository (requires python installed).

Download and run the script:

curl --fail --silent -L -O
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./ --raw

The script downloads a disk image or a dmg, so further steps are necessary in order to create an Anka VM. Create a directory for the app:

mkdir -p /tmp/app

Attach the image using hdiutil (assuming $IMAGE_PATH is the path to the image you downloaded):

hdiutil attach "$IMAGE_PATH" -mountpoint /tmp/app

Copy the files to the Applications folder

sudo cp -r "/tmp/app/Applications/Install macOS" /Applications/

Detach the image:

sudo hdiutil detach /tmp/app -force

Delete the downloaded Image:

rm -f "$IMAGE_PATH"

After downloading the MacOS application you can now create your vm!

Create the VM

Use anka create command to create macOS VMs from the .app installer app.

anka create --app /Applications/Install\ macOS\ mojave-base

The VM creation should take around 30 minutes or so.

For more commands and options, see Command Reference.

Last modified January 9, 2020 : moved partial files (26fbf87) by asafg6