What does Anka do?

Anka virtualizes macOS to create, run macOS VMs on top of macOS and enables you to use automated and container like DevOps workflows when working with macOS virtual machines and macOS virtual machines with connected physical iOS devices.

What does Anka do?

Anka virtualizes macOS to create, run macOS VMs on top of macOS and enables you to use automated and container like DevOps workflows when working with macOS virtual machines and macOS virtual machines with connected physical iOS devices. Anka exposes the following features:


  • Easy installation
  • Native hypervisor - uses macOS resource scheduling and power management for guest VMs
  • Instant boot for macOS VMs
  • Para virtual drivers increase network and disk performance inside Anka macOS VMs
  • anka CLI - automate iOS CI management workflows, similar to working with container
  • Supports running docker and Android Emulator inside macOS VMs
  • Works with T2 enabled Mac hardware

Continuous Delivery and Integration

  • Automate the provisioning of on-demand virtual machines
  • Integrate with your CI system using Controller REST APIs for VM management
  • Manage macOS infrastructure-as-a-code
  • INSTANT BOOT - Eliminates the long boot time issue with macOS VMs, making running multiple VMs extremely fast and responsive
  • Use Registry to version and tag virtual machines for distribution
  • Easily connect/remove physical iOS devices to your VMs for on-device testing

Last modified December 20, 2019 : Update what-does-anka-do.md (7b45da0) by medicis123